Thursday, March 15, 2012

Hump Day Music: Maverick Rising

Some of the best and most iconic video game music came in a day and age where video game composers were limited by the sounds they could create with the sound chip of many older consoles.  Changing mere beeps and boops into incredible pieces of 8-bit, 16-bit and even 32-bit music just showed how great these composers were.  Many video game franchises still around today such as The Legend of Zelda, Castlevania, Sonic and Final Fantasy became known for their music.  Among those gaming series, a certain blue bomber made by Capcom became known for it's great 8 and 16-bit rock music that got players pumped to play through each level and beat it's Robot Masters.  That series is Mega Man rocking gamers since 1987.

Today, I am going to do something a little different.  Rather than highlighting one particular piece of music from Mega Man, I am going to highlight a whole album.  In honour of getting their 27,000th like on Facebook, OC ReMix released their newest free album, Mega Man X: Maverick Rising.  Maverick Rising is a collection of 62 ReMixed tracks from the Mega Man X series by 49 incredibly talented artists.  Maverick Rising is broken up into five disc.  Each disc is music from a different character in the Mega Man X series from X all the way to Dr. Light.  I have only listened to the first eight tracks and I am enjoying it.  For those interested, go to and download the album for yourself.  It comes at the excellent price of free, so there is no excuse not to download this collection of great video game music.  If you are not convinced yet, maybe the trailer will convince you to download it.

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