Monday, March 26, 2012

Launch Station: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13

While the game release schedule has finally calmed down as you can see with only one big game to talk about this week.  That game being the newest entry in EA Sport's annual Tiger Woods PGA Tour series.  Just in time for the Masters (golf's most prestigious tournament), Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 looks to grab the attention of golf fans and gamers before their golf season gets underway.

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 is like every other annual sports franchise in that it tweaks the formula every year to make it more accesible to newcomers and remove the mechanics that did not work the previous year while adding new course to play and golfers to play as.  The main draw to this entry of Tiger Woods is the whole new story-mode of sorts called the Legacy Challenge.  In Legacy Challenge, you play as Tiger Woods during various points of his life from a toddler all the way to today.  Also Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 marks the first entry to feature full Kinect integration for the Xbox 360 version of the game.  Kinect allows you to use your body and voice to play Tiger Woods in a more immersive way.  Included in this game are 22 golfers to play as, 15 courses (20 if you get the Collector's Edition) and 11 tournaments to compete in including the Masters.

For golf fans, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 is an incredible package that will keep you occupied until next year's entry hits store shelves.  Unless you are a huge fan of golf, all the new features, golfers, courses and tournaments will not do anything to entice you to buy Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13.  Personally I have never cared for simulation golf games.  If I want to play the real thing, I would go to a golf course and play.  I like more arcade golf experiences such as Mario Golf or Super Stickman Golf.  Only if you are big golf fan, you will enjoy everything Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 offers.  If you do not, you probably don't even care.

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