Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hump Day Music: Star Fox Main Theme

Back in September and October when I was playing a lot of Star Fox 64 3D for my 3DS, I got a little craving.  That craving was to play Star Fox Adventures for the Gamecube.  Since I never bought Star Fox Adventures during the Gamecube's heyday, I missed out on a solid gaming experience.  Now in 2011, I was looking for more Star Fox that satisfy my craving.  I did not want Star Fox Assault or Command as then did not look they would appeal to me, so I set out looking for Star Fox Adventures.  I checked all the local game stores to no avail.  When it looked like I had given up all hope of finding this rare Gamecube exclusive, today while looking around one of my local game stores I found it.  I found Star Fox Adventures pre-played for only 7 dollars.  What a great deal for a game this rare, so I made sure Star Fox Adventures did not slip through my hands like Four Swords Adventures did a few months prior and I bought it.  After playing the first 20 minutes or so, I am pleased with my purchase and looking forward to playing more very soon.

To celebrate my purchase of Star Fox Adventures, I would like to share with all of you the Star Fox Main Theme as this week's Hump Day music.  This remix of the main theme of Star Fox is from Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Nintendo Wii.  You will hear this track whenever you play the Lylat Cruise stage in Brawl.  The original theme from both the SNES and N64 games are drilled into the minds of many gamers so this remix might be seen as a big departure.  The music really fits the pace of the Lylat Cruise stage as you battle on stationary platforms that fly through space at crazy speeds.  It also retains the same melody of the original theme that has been ingrained in the heads of millions of gamers.  Making it easy to hum along with too.  Star Fox like many other Nintendo games has great music that it is hard to highlight just one track.  I encourage everybody reading to search Youtube and listen to other tracks from the Star Fox franchise.  Now I am going to play more Star Fox Adventures so I leave you with the Star Fox Main Theme and I hope you enjoy.

Thank you to GilvaSunner for uploading this music for us to enjoy.

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