Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Bit by Bit: April 2014

With school coming to an end for another year, April serves as the start of more free time to relax and do things that were pushed aside during the school year like video games.  While I did get some time playing games between studying and working, it seems like the floodgates have just opened in these last couple of weeks.  Funny enough, the end of the school year coincided with finally completing Bravely Default after spending the last two and a half months working on beating the game.  Spending so much time with one game felt very limiting that now this feeling of freedom and choice is almost overwhelming.  The spring and summer months should be fun as I will be bouncing between games from my ever-growing backlog and brand new releases.  It should be a fun journey that will be chronicled right here on Silver Bit.  So stay tuned.

Game of the Month
Ever since I beat Bravely Default, I have been able to spend more time playing a wide variety of games.  In the few weeks since I beat Bravely Default, I have been playing Golden Sun, Resident Evil 6 and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and have completed shorter games like Rhythm Thief, SteamWorld Dig and Donkey Kong 1994.  As great of an achievement beating a long, gruelling RPG is, playing a game for over 100 hours can be exhausting.  The change of pace has been refreshing especially with one game in particular pulling me in more and more.  That game is Infamous: Second Son and it is the one game that has got me to play the PS4 on a rather consistent basis.  I have dabbled with the previous entries in Sucker Punch's superhero playground, but never for any considerable amount of time.  Compared to other open world sandboxes, Second Son's setting of Seattle may seem a little lifeless, bland and full of hilarious glitches.  Even with those drawbacks, I have had lots of fun just running around, completing side missions, collecting blast shards and beating up waves of DUP officers and drug dealers. The most fun to be had with Second Son comes from the new powers you get to play around with.  While the smoke and video powers are cool, the best power in the game is neon.  Zipping around Seattle at supersonic speeds, slowing down time to aim and sniping enemies with precise neon shots make for a power players will stick to throughout their entire playthrough.  Infamous: Second Son may not be the best open-world superhero game as Batman still holds that honour in my opinion, but it is definitely the best game on PS4 right now.  Second Son deserves to be in every PS4 owner's library.

Most Anticipated Game of the Month
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS are easily the two most anticipated games of 2014.  A new entry in the Smash Bros. series only happens every four years or more so any news or announcement about the newest entry is an event in itself.  Aside from Masahiro Sakurai's daily screenshots on Miiverse, there has not been a major dump of information about Super Smash Bros. since E3 2013.  Early this April, Nintendo and Sakurai took some time away from developing Super Smash Bros. to deliver a Nintendo Direct focused solely on the two games.  During the nearly 40 minute presentation, Sakurai touched on the release dates, included stages, online play, differences between the two versions, items, assist trophies and returning and new inclusions to the roster among a plethora of additional information.  It is impossible to capture the greatness of this Nintendo Direct in mere words.  It is incredibly produced, filled with tons of goodies that will make any gamer smile ear to ear and easily sold hundreds to buy a Wii U, 3DS or possibly both.  Personally, my excitement for Super Smash Bros. is at unimaginable levels.  Even thinking about the games makes me giddy with excitement.  Summer and Winter 2014 cannot come any sooner.

Video of the Month
Usually I never have a problem picking the Video of the Month, but this April has been the exception.  There has been so many great videos this month from the wacky Tomodachi Life Direct to Screwattack's epic interviews with the creator of Videoball Tim Rogers to Mega64's collaboration with Nintendo on the recent Nintendo E3 announcements.  While they are all incredible videos and deserve to your viewing, I have to give the Video of the Month to a video that got me thinking.  The Completionist's Final Fantasy VII Retrospective has been a month-long event where Jirard and a crew of Youtubers take an in-depth look at the impact that Final Fantasy VII has had on RPGs and video games in general.  This in-depth analysis of Final Fantasy VII really made me see the game in a new light and truly understand why people hold the game on such a high pedestal.  While the first two videos were released in March, the majority of this series has come out throughout April and deserves the recognition for how great it is.  I will share the first part here, but I highly recommend watching this series in its entirety.  It will give you a new appreciation of Final Fantasy VII as it has done for me.

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