Compared to previous years, the video game industry seemed much more concerned with the future than the present in 2014. There were a lot of games released over the course of the past twelve months, but not to the extent of being overwhelming like past years. 2014 was suppose to be the coming out party for the next generation of consoles. With an onslaught of delays, re-releases, unfulfilled hype and buggy launches, 2014 felt more like a transitional year for developers to ramp up production for their true next gen titles.
Although there were less games released in 2014, no one person can play through them all. There were quite a few games that I personally wanted to make time for, but never got around to with my constantly busy schedule. Hopefully, a new year will bring plenty of chances to play these missed titles.
The Wolf Among Us
Some may debate the position of The Wolf Among Us on this list due to the first episode releasing late 2013. Considering the majority of the game released during this past calendar year, I believe it is safe to say The Wolf Among Us is a 2014 release. Ever since I saw the preview for it in an issue of Game Informer, The Wolf Among Us has ranked high among the games I want to play especially after experiencing Telltale's exceptional work on The Walking Dead. I almost got the chance to put some time into Wolf Among Us when I purchased the game during the Steam Summer Sale and installed it on my Mac. Funny enough, the fall semester of university came, I got a brand new laptop and completely forgot about The Wolf Among Us. It has been in the back of my mind for months now, but I never made the time. A lot of good things have been said about the game's take on the Fables universe and highly interactive action scenes that I look forward to making time for The Wolf Among Us in the near future.
Child of Light and Valiant Hearts: The Great War
2014 hasn't been the best year for Ubisoft. Most of their major titles, including Assassin's Creed Unity, The Crew and Watch Dogs, suffered from being over hyped, extremely buggy and rushed to market. While these titles hurt the French publisher, there were two downloadable games that brought some much needed good faith Ubisoft's way. I'm speaking of Child of Light and Valiant Hearts. As the first two games to use the incredible UbiArt engine outside of the recent Rayman titles, they both show how flexible the engine is in crafting games of different genres. While the presentation of each game is second-to-none, both feature compelling and creative gameplay to complement the beautiful art. Due to their unique premises and gameplay, both games are deserving of being on anyone's must play lists.
Everybody seems to have an opinion about Bungie's newest title, except me. While I have seen tons of coverage for the game and watched my brothers play it multiple times, I never had the motivation to sit down and play Destiny since the beta. Considering Destiny is such a massive game that one can lose hours in, it doesn't work well with my extremely hectic schedule during the school year. It is no fault of the game; I just prefer playing in smaller chucks during the term. Despite the polarizing opinions people have on Destiny, I really want to play the game for myself to form my own opinion instead of being swayed by the masses. While I am a little afraid of being outclassed by those playing since launch, it will be exciting to see how Destiny has changed since the beta.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Monday, December 29, 2014
Bit by Bit: December 2014
The funny thing about plans is that they get thrown out the window at a moment's notice. Coming off of school, I had a lot of ideas swirling around my head in which I was so eager to write about. During this time, life has been a lot more eventful than I anticipated it to be and plans changed to cover these new developments like The Game Awards, Amiibogeddon and the Uncharted 4 demo. In all honesty, I was hoping to produce a lot more content than I actually did, but I am really happy with the quality of articles posted in the last month.
As 2014 comes to a close, Silver Bit starts its annual Year in Review series. Check back in the coming weeks to see the great games I missed out on, my favourite games of the year and the illustrious Game of the Year. Starting with this new edition of Bit by Bit, Silver Bit is going to bring in 2015 in style.
Game of the Month
With Silver Bit's Year in Review just around the corner, I am going to be highlighting a lot of great games. Sadly, I am going to be cutting back on the number of games I highlight in The Games portion of the Year in Review. I am making this decision due to how little games I played this year compared to previous years. Since I am cutting back, some great games are not going to make the cut. Most of these titles have already been highlighted in past editions of Bit by Bit or through reviews and previews. With that in mind, I want to shine the spotlight on one more title that deserves some love despite not making the cut. Without any further ado, December's Game of the Month is Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker for the Wii U.
Many people fondly remember the Captain Toad levels from Super Mario 3D World for their change in pace and unorthodox gameplay. Mario games are known for their pixel perfect platforming and these levels stripped that away. Since Captain Toad couldn't jump, players needed to maneuver the camera in order to reveal the optimal path for Toad to take. While there were only a handful of Captain Toad levels in 3D World, they left quite the impression on players. In fact, these levels left such a great impression that Nintendo elaborated on the gameplay and puzzles to create an entire game revolving around the whimsical captain.
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker features over 70 levels to complete on Toad and Toadette's quest to collect treasure and defeat the psychedelic bird Wingo. The levels in Treasure Tracker grow to be four to five times larger than the ones found in 3D World. This expansion in level size creates new challenges for players to overcome as the puzzles involve multiple levels and more enemies stand in the way. Adding to this challenge are the special objectives, such as collecting three gems, completing a level without taking damage or finding the Gold Mushroom, offered for every level. All-in-all, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is a charmingly fun puzzle platformer that deserves more than getting lost in the hustle and bustle of larger titles this holiday season.
Most Anticipated Toys of the Month
Nintendo's line of Amiibo figures have gotten tons of attention since they released alongside Super Smash Bros. for Wii U this past November. This attention stems from the ensuing craze started from these figures selling out across the globe. I have been fortunate enough to get every Amiibo released in the first two waves. Now, my sights are set on collecting the third wave releasing this coming February. So far, I have pre-ordered every figure available through EB Games including the exclusive Shulk figure and am impatiently waiting to pre-order the other exclusive figures as soon as they are available. To say these figures are my most anticipated things of the month may be an understatement as collecting these toys are becoming a job unto itself.
Video of the Month
There was nothing better at The Game Awards than the world premiere gameplay for the new Legend of Zelda for Wii U. Way back at E3, Nintendo gave us a thin little snippet of a trailer to show the initial vision of the game. While only four minutes in length, this video gave gamers a ton more information to chew on. No piece of information made my jaw drop than the sheer size of Hyrule in the new Zelda. From the few seconds focused on the map, Hyrule looks to be as expansive as the largest open worlds from the past generation. Some cool moments came from showcasing the horseback combat especially the slow motion vaulting bow attack. Altogether, the gameplay video for the new Legend of Zelda is something to behold. Take four minutes out of your busy schedule to take in the awesomeness of the next evolution in this legendary franchise.
As 2014 comes to a close, Silver Bit starts its annual Year in Review series. Check back in the coming weeks to see the great games I missed out on, my favourite games of the year and the illustrious Game of the Year. Starting with this new edition of Bit by Bit, Silver Bit is going to bring in 2015 in style.
Game of the Month
With Silver Bit's Year in Review just around the corner, I am going to be highlighting a lot of great games. Sadly, I am going to be cutting back on the number of games I highlight in The Games portion of the Year in Review. I am making this decision due to how little games I played this year compared to previous years. Since I am cutting back, some great games are not going to make the cut. Most of these titles have already been highlighted in past editions of Bit by Bit or through reviews and previews. With that in mind, I want to shine the spotlight on one more title that deserves some love despite not making the cut. Without any further ado, December's Game of the Month is Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker for the Wii U.
Many people fondly remember the Captain Toad levels from Super Mario 3D World for their change in pace and unorthodox gameplay. Mario games are known for their pixel perfect platforming and these levels stripped that away. Since Captain Toad couldn't jump, players needed to maneuver the camera in order to reveal the optimal path for Toad to take. While there were only a handful of Captain Toad levels in 3D World, they left quite the impression on players. In fact, these levels left such a great impression that Nintendo elaborated on the gameplay and puzzles to create an entire game revolving around the whimsical captain.
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker features over 70 levels to complete on Toad and Toadette's quest to collect treasure and defeat the psychedelic bird Wingo. The levels in Treasure Tracker grow to be four to five times larger than the ones found in 3D World. This expansion in level size creates new challenges for players to overcome as the puzzles involve multiple levels and more enemies stand in the way. Adding to this challenge are the special objectives, such as collecting three gems, completing a level without taking damage or finding the Gold Mushroom, offered for every level. All-in-all, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is a charmingly fun puzzle platformer that deserves more than getting lost in the hustle and bustle of larger titles this holiday season.
Most Anticipated Toys of the Month
Nintendo's line of Amiibo figures have gotten tons of attention since they released alongside Super Smash Bros. for Wii U this past November. This attention stems from the ensuing craze started from these figures selling out across the globe. I have been fortunate enough to get every Amiibo released in the first two waves. Now, my sights are set on collecting the third wave releasing this coming February. So far, I have pre-ordered every figure available through EB Games including the exclusive Shulk figure and am impatiently waiting to pre-order the other exclusive figures as soon as they are available. To say these figures are my most anticipated things of the month may be an understatement as collecting these toys are becoming a job unto itself.
Video of the Month
There was nothing better at The Game Awards than the world premiere gameplay for the new Legend of Zelda for Wii U. Way back at E3, Nintendo gave us a thin little snippet of a trailer to show the initial vision of the game. While only four minutes in length, this video gave gamers a ton more information to chew on. No piece of information made my jaw drop than the sheer size of Hyrule in the new Zelda. From the few seconds focused on the map, Hyrule looks to be as expansive as the largest open worlds from the past generation. Some cool moments came from showcasing the horseback combat especially the slow motion vaulting bow attack. Altogether, the gameplay video for the new Legend of Zelda is something to behold. Take four minutes out of your busy schedule to take in the awesomeness of the next evolution in this legendary franchise.
Monday, December 15, 2014
First Byte: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Two weekends ago, Sony held an event in Las Vegas called the PlayStation Experience. This event was open to the public and press with the keynote conference and demos streamed on Twitch for those unable to be in attendance. A lot of big news came out of the PlayStation Experience such as the reveal of David Jaffe's new game Drawn to Death, Bastion, Shovel Knight and Super Time Force all making the jump to PlayStation and Street Fighter V being a PS4 console exclusive. The next God of War game was even unintentionally confirmed by series director Cory Balrog during a panel at the event. In addition to the news, the PlayStation Experience gave gamers a comprehensive look at the upcoming projects from all the first and third-party studios working on both PS4 and Vita. It served as a great way for Sony to continue their upward momentum while simultaneously enticing undecided consumers to buy a PS4 during the holiday season.
The biggest thing to come out of the PlayStation Experience was the 15 minute gameplay demo for Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Sony revealed the new Uncharted over a year ago at the launch party for the PS4. Sony followed up that reveal with a brief cinematic teaser at E3 which revealed the game's subtitle and setting. While these two teasers got many excited for Uncharted 4, I personally needed to see more to get behind the hype for this game especially since so many games have fallen short of their hype in the past year. After the gameplay trailer from the PlayStation Experience, my doubts over Uncharted 4 are now nonexistent. Although it was a 15 minute snippet of gameplay, Naughty Dog packed a lot of information about Uncharted's PS4 evolution into this demo.
The demo starts with protagonist Nathan Drake standing on a cliff overlooking the dangerous terrain the island setting has to offer. This view and the following movement of the camera shows off Uncharted 4's gorgeous graphics and great water effects. Drake then enters a nearby cave which provides ample opportunities to see that the game's platforming mechanics in action. In short, the platforming looks to work just as great as they did in previous entries in the series. More platforming sections follow once Drake exits the cave, but with an added twist. He finds a spike which can be used on certain rock formations as an anchor point in order to grab out-of-reach ledges and cervices. The demo showed a few exciting instances where using the spike while jumping is necessary to reach new areas and save Drake from falling to certain death.
As Drake makes his way around the island, he eventually meets up with some hostiles. While this encounter lasts rest of the demo, it perfectly showcases Uncharted's next-gen evolution. Since Drake is usually placed against insurmountable odds, stealth has played a huge part in the Uncharted series. It certainly takes centre stage in Uncharted 4 as Drake can use the large patches of flora and fauna to get the jump on enemies and for hiding when spotted. In addition to the stealth mechanics, combat has received some retooling especially the hand-to-hand combat. These hand-to-hand fights look a lot more fluid and dynamic as Drake and his opponents can use the environment as a part of their offence, transition to different positions like belly-to-back and throw grapples such as an arm drag. These new combat scenarios can even occur when platforming around a firefight. During a particular moment in the demo, Drake is trying to climb up a cliff only to be cut-off by a boot to the face. Drake takes the boot in stride, punches the enemy and throws him off the cliff in a similar fashion to ledge takedowns from past Uncharteds. Instead of falling to his doom, the enemy grabs onto Drake's foot thus leading to more input in order to escape the enemy's grasp. Moments like these should make Uncharted 4's combat unpredictable and exciting throughout the entire game.
The last thing I want to touch on from the Uncharted 4 demo is the grappling hook. While it is only used two times throughout the entire demo, it leaves one amazing impression. The first time we see it is in the heat of battle as an enemy throws a grenade at Drake's feet. With only a few seconds to react, Drake jumps to the right and throws out his grabbing hook at a nearby branch with the press of the R1 button. In that brief instant, he sours through the air directly toward the grenade-throwing enemy to deliver a devastating punch to the face. In my opinion, this sequence is one of the most exhilarating parts of the demo and perfectly shows the combat capabilities of the grappling hook. Aside from its use in combat, the grappling hook adds new dimensions to Uncharted's exploration and platforming as it gives Drake more versatility in maneuvering around the environment.
All-in-all, this 15 minute demo has completely sold me on Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. It looks like a spectacular showcase of the PS4's power and solidifies Naughty Dog's position as one of the elite developers in this industry. Now sitting upon my list of most anticipated games of 2015, I really look forward to playing Uncharted 4 next holiday season. If you do not agree with my analysis, the gameplay video of Uncharted 4's demo is included below so you can see for yourself.
The biggest thing to come out of the PlayStation Experience was the 15 minute gameplay demo for Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Sony revealed the new Uncharted over a year ago at the launch party for the PS4. Sony followed up that reveal with a brief cinematic teaser at E3 which revealed the game's subtitle and setting. While these two teasers got many excited for Uncharted 4, I personally needed to see more to get behind the hype for this game especially since so many games have fallen short of their hype in the past year. After the gameplay trailer from the PlayStation Experience, my doubts over Uncharted 4 are now nonexistent. Although it was a 15 minute snippet of gameplay, Naughty Dog packed a lot of information about Uncharted's PS4 evolution into this demo.
The demo starts with protagonist Nathan Drake standing on a cliff overlooking the dangerous terrain the island setting has to offer. This view and the following movement of the camera shows off Uncharted 4's gorgeous graphics and great water effects. Drake then enters a nearby cave which provides ample opportunities to see that the game's platforming mechanics in action. In short, the platforming looks to work just as great as they did in previous entries in the series. More platforming sections follow once Drake exits the cave, but with an added twist. He finds a spike which can be used on certain rock formations as an anchor point in order to grab out-of-reach ledges and cervices. The demo showed a few exciting instances where using the spike while jumping is necessary to reach new areas and save Drake from falling to certain death.
As Drake makes his way around the island, he eventually meets up with some hostiles. While this encounter lasts rest of the demo, it perfectly showcases Uncharted's next-gen evolution. Since Drake is usually placed against insurmountable odds, stealth has played a huge part in the Uncharted series. It certainly takes centre stage in Uncharted 4 as Drake can use the large patches of flora and fauna to get the jump on enemies and for hiding when spotted. In addition to the stealth mechanics, combat has received some retooling especially the hand-to-hand combat. These hand-to-hand fights look a lot more fluid and dynamic as Drake and his opponents can use the environment as a part of their offence, transition to different positions like belly-to-back and throw grapples such as an arm drag. These new combat scenarios can even occur when platforming around a firefight. During a particular moment in the demo, Drake is trying to climb up a cliff only to be cut-off by a boot to the face. Drake takes the boot in stride, punches the enemy and throws him off the cliff in a similar fashion to ledge takedowns from past Uncharteds. Instead of falling to his doom, the enemy grabs onto Drake's foot thus leading to more input in order to escape the enemy's grasp. Moments like these should make Uncharted 4's combat unpredictable and exciting throughout the entire game.
The last thing I want to touch on from the Uncharted 4 demo is the grappling hook. While it is only used two times throughout the entire demo, it leaves one amazing impression. The first time we see it is in the heat of battle as an enemy throws a grenade at Drake's feet. With only a few seconds to react, Drake jumps to the right and throws out his grabbing hook at a nearby branch with the press of the R1 button. In that brief instant, he sours through the air directly toward the grenade-throwing enemy to deliver a devastating punch to the face. In my opinion, this sequence is one of the most exhilarating parts of the demo and perfectly shows the combat capabilities of the grappling hook. Aside from its use in combat, the grappling hook adds new dimensions to Uncharted's exploration and platforming as it gives Drake more versatility in maneuvering around the environment.
All-in-all, this 15 minute demo has completely sold me on Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. It looks like a spectacular showcase of the PS4's power and solidifies Naughty Dog's position as one of the elite developers in this industry. Now sitting upon my list of most anticipated games of 2015, I really look forward to playing Uncharted 4 next holiday season. If you do not agree with my analysis, the gameplay video of Uncharted 4's demo is included below so you can see for yourself.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Every year around the holidays, there is usually one item that everybody wants to get their hands on. Last year, it was the PlayStation 4. A few years ago, it was Activision's Skylanders figures. History loves to repeat itself as this time it's Nintendo's line of Amiibo figures. If you have not heard by now, Nintendo's Amiibo figures are selling out across the globe due to limited supplies. Along with that news, rumors about the discontinuation of certain figures, namely Marth, Wii Fit Trainer and Villager, have sent people into a fervor over the Amiibos as a whole. People are pre-ordering every figure, buying multiples to cash in on the demand and relentlessly searching for hard-to-find Amiibos. The Amiibogeddon name may sound really cheesy, but the magnitude of this ongoing craziness is being felt by Nintendo fans who want to pick up their favourite character or collectors who want to own them all. While Nintendo is the only one that can fix this situation, they are highly notorious for being slow to restock retailers after the initial shipment of their products.
Despite Nintendo's frustrating practices of building demand for certain products, their handling of this entire situation has left a lot to be desired. First, they completely underestimated the demand for the Amiibos especially the figures involving characters from franchises with a cult following like Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing. Activision did the exact same thing when Skylanders initially released in 2011. Since Amiibo is directly inspired by the Skylanders line of games and toys, it is baffling for Nintendo to not at least learn from Skylander's growing pains. Second, Nintendo hasn't done anything to dismiss these rumors of discontinuation. In fact, they have added more fuel to the fire by not giving a definitive "yes" or "no" answer to the question. All that has been clarified is more popular characters will be in regular stock while certain sold-out figures may be restocked at a later date. No definition of what characters are deemed popular enough for regular stock, outside of Mario and Link, and no concrete timetable of when these figures will be restocked if ever. On top of all this wonderful news, the Captain Falcon, Luigi and Pit figures from the second wave of Amiibos have been delayed until further notice.
Not everything surrounding the Amiibos is negative. As a matter of fact, the figures are really well made and their uses in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Mario Kart 8 and Hyrule Warriors are really cool. They have a lot of potential that hopefully Nintendo can capitalize on.
The feelings on Nintendo's mishaps surrounding the Amiibogeddon fiasco can be boiled down to one word--frustrating. These figures were made to capitalize on the toys to life market in order to make back the money lost on poor Wii U sales. It is puzzling that Nintendo isn't making greater efforts to meet the demand, even with "niche" characters like Marth, Wii Fit Trainer and Villager. If these figures are making a profit, there should be absolutely no reason to consider discontinuing or limiting the stock for any of them. While I personally don't believe Nintendo will fix this fiasco before the new year, the longer they wait to actually address the issue, the more they will alienate the Amiibo's target audience.
Despite Nintendo's frustrating practices of building demand for certain products, their handling of this entire situation has left a lot to be desired. First, they completely underestimated the demand for the Amiibos especially the figures involving characters from franchises with a cult following like Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing. Activision did the exact same thing when Skylanders initially released in 2011. Since Amiibo is directly inspired by the Skylanders line of games and toys, it is baffling for Nintendo to not at least learn from Skylander's growing pains. Second, Nintendo hasn't done anything to dismiss these rumors of discontinuation. In fact, they have added more fuel to the fire by not giving a definitive "yes" or "no" answer to the question. All that has been clarified is more popular characters will be in regular stock while certain sold-out figures may be restocked at a later date. No definition of what characters are deemed popular enough for regular stock, outside of Mario and Link, and no concrete timetable of when these figures will be restocked if ever. On top of all this wonderful news, the Captain Falcon, Luigi and Pit figures from the second wave of Amiibos have been delayed until further notice.
Not everything surrounding the Amiibos is negative. As a matter of fact, the figures are really well made and their uses in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Mario Kart 8 and Hyrule Warriors are really cool. They have a lot of potential that hopefully Nintendo can capitalize on.
The feelings on Nintendo's mishaps surrounding the Amiibogeddon fiasco can be boiled down to one word--frustrating. These figures were made to capitalize on the toys to life market in order to make back the money lost on poor Wii U sales. It is puzzling that Nintendo isn't making greater efforts to meet the demand, even with "niche" characters like Marth, Wii Fit Trainer and Villager. If these figures are making a profit, there should be absolutely no reason to consider discontinuing or limiting the stock for any of them. While I personally don't believe Nintendo will fix this fiasco before the new year, the longer they wait to actually address the issue, the more they will alienate the Amiibo's target audience.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
The Game Awards 2014 Impressions
No fancy intro. No intricate back story about the failures of the Video Game Awards. I am getting straight to the point because I cannot think any other way to say it. Although the Game Awards were a great improvement over the VGAs, I still found them disappointing and boring. I understand a lot of good people put a ton of time and effort into making this show a celebration of games, but the show as a whole did more to make me question the point of it outside of the game reveals. I spent three hours of my life starring at a computer screen to see about an hour of watchable content and I personally find that unacceptable.
Before diving right into all the flaws with the Game Awards, I will admit there were some good to great moments in this show. There were a good amount of reveals with Metal Gear Online, Adr1ft, Human Element and the new Legend of Zelda being the standouts in my opinion. Speaking of the new Zelda, that gameplay footage, albeit being short in length, made me feel all giddy inside. Just the sheer size of Hyrule made my jaw drop. While I found them unneeded, most of the musical performances were done well especially the collaboration between Imagine Dragons and Koji Kondo. Geoff Keighley's friend Greg from Scotland stole the show with his performance of classic game tunes from Mario, Sonic, Street Fighter and Tetris using lasers to produce the music. After a performance that spectacular, Greg definitely deserves a job in the video game industry. It is up to the developer and publishers now, give the guy a chance.
One of my main complaints with the VGAs was their complete lack of respect and effort put into the awards aspect of the awards show. The Game Awards fixed some of that by putting together credible award categories, having most of the awards selected by of panel of industry veterans and highlighting more awards on the show than ever before. While I do have some complaints about the handling of awards outside of the main stage (more on this in a bit), the Game Awards did a job leaps and bounds better than any of the VGAs. Also the awards look much better than the stupid monkey statues they use to give out.
For everything good about the Game Awards, there were two or three things wrong with the show. For a three hour show, it had no sense of pacing. Some segments like Conan O'Brien's videos on the nominees for Game of the Year and Lindsay Stirling's performance of Dragon Age: Inquistion's theme song felt rushed, while others such as Keighley's asides with others in the crowd went on for far too long. Speaking of Keighley's asides, these moments made two key problems with the show evident: the lack of rehearsals and poor representation of awards not shown on the main stage
It is understandable that a level of improvisation makes the show feel organic, but every conversation, speech and introduction came off as awkward and highly unprofessional. The fact that you forget a member of the Hearthstone team was in the audience to accept their award for Mobile/Handheld Game of the Year, overheard a musical performance tuning their instruments on the main speakers or had a Sony representative call out the existence of a teleprompter is just unacceptable. These unfortunate instances make the video game industry as a whole look like a laughing stock to casual viewers and people from other mediums. These mistakes would have been ironed out with a few rehearsals before the show.
Building off of the lack of rehearsals, the awards given out off of the main stage were handled poorly. Nobody is going to take these awards seriously if Keighley and company are just going to hand them out with little to no context. Time may be a constraint, but have a pre-show or cut unnecessary segments in order to make these awards feel credible rather than awkwardly pulling people out of the audience to hand them their awards. These parts just reinforced how unprofessional the show was.
Apart from the Game Awards itself, my brother and I found it next to impossible to view the show on our Xbox 360 and PS3. We tried everything from looking on the dashboards to searching on the Youtube and IGN apps to no avail. When we went to search for instructions on how to watch on our game consoles, all we found were press releases boasting the show was available on all platforms without any instructions on where exactly to watch it. It is one thing to boast about the show's availability, but to not provide a means of helping people gain access to it added more frustration to this entire ordeal.
While the Game Awards is a disappointing and boring show, it is a small step in the right direction. Sadly, this step has created a plethora of new problems that Keighley and company will have to overcome before the show can gain widespread credibility. After this year's show, I believe efforts should be made on creating an awards show that competes with the DICE Awards and the BAFTA Game Awards rather than the Grammys and Oscars. Despite the Game Awards having a few moments that are worth watching, I cannot recommend spending three hours viewing the Game Awards in its entirety.
Before diving right into all the flaws with the Game Awards, I will admit there were some good to great moments in this show. There were a good amount of reveals with Metal Gear Online, Adr1ft, Human Element and the new Legend of Zelda being the standouts in my opinion. Speaking of the new Zelda, that gameplay footage, albeit being short in length, made me feel all giddy inside. Just the sheer size of Hyrule made my jaw drop. While I found them unneeded, most of the musical performances were done well especially the collaboration between Imagine Dragons and Koji Kondo. Geoff Keighley's friend Greg from Scotland stole the show with his performance of classic game tunes from Mario, Sonic, Street Fighter and Tetris using lasers to produce the music. After a performance that spectacular, Greg definitely deserves a job in the video game industry. It is up to the developer and publishers now, give the guy a chance.
One of my main complaints with the VGAs was their complete lack of respect and effort put into the awards aspect of the awards show. The Game Awards fixed some of that by putting together credible award categories, having most of the awards selected by of panel of industry veterans and highlighting more awards on the show than ever before. While I do have some complaints about the handling of awards outside of the main stage (more on this in a bit), the Game Awards did a job leaps and bounds better than any of the VGAs. Also the awards look much better than the stupid monkey statues they use to give out.
For everything good about the Game Awards, there were two or three things wrong with the show. For a three hour show, it had no sense of pacing. Some segments like Conan O'Brien's videos on the nominees for Game of the Year and Lindsay Stirling's performance of Dragon Age: Inquistion's theme song felt rushed, while others such as Keighley's asides with others in the crowd went on for far too long. Speaking of Keighley's asides, these moments made two key problems with the show evident: the lack of rehearsals and poor representation of awards not shown on the main stage
It is understandable that a level of improvisation makes the show feel organic, but every conversation, speech and introduction came off as awkward and highly unprofessional. The fact that you forget a member of the Hearthstone team was in the audience to accept their award for Mobile/Handheld Game of the Year, overheard a musical performance tuning their instruments on the main speakers or had a Sony representative call out the existence of a teleprompter is just unacceptable. These unfortunate instances make the video game industry as a whole look like a laughing stock to casual viewers and people from other mediums. These mistakes would have been ironed out with a few rehearsals before the show.
Building off of the lack of rehearsals, the awards given out off of the main stage were handled poorly. Nobody is going to take these awards seriously if Keighley and company are just going to hand them out with little to no context. Time may be a constraint, but have a pre-show or cut unnecessary segments in order to make these awards feel credible rather than awkwardly pulling people out of the audience to hand them their awards. These parts just reinforced how unprofessional the show was.
Apart from the Game Awards itself, my brother and I found it next to impossible to view the show on our Xbox 360 and PS3. We tried everything from looking on the dashboards to searching on the Youtube and IGN apps to no avail. When we went to search for instructions on how to watch on our game consoles, all we found were press releases boasting the show was available on all platforms without any instructions on where exactly to watch it. It is one thing to boast about the show's availability, but to not provide a means of helping people gain access to it added more frustration to this entire ordeal.
While the Game Awards is a disappointing and boring show, it is a small step in the right direction. Sadly, this step has created a plethora of new problems that Keighley and company will have to overcome before the show can gain widespread credibility. After this year's show, I believe efforts should be made on creating an awards show that competes with the DICE Awards and the BAFTA Game Awards rather than the Grammys and Oscars. Despite the Game Awards having a few moments that are worth watching, I cannot recommend spending three hours viewing the Game Awards in its entirety.
Human Element,
Imagine Dragons,
Koji Kondo,
Legend of Zelda,
Metal Gear Solid,
Street Fighter,
The Game Awards,
Video Game Awards,
Xbox 360
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Bit by Bit: Fall 2014
It took two months, but I have finally emerged from my hibernation called university to bring you all your gaming goodness. The last two months have been a never-ending onslaught of tests and assignments. I am so glad that it is over and can dedicate some time to writing. More than previous terms, I have really missed writing for Silver Bit. A lot of cool and crazy things have happened these last two months in the world of video games that I have been itching to write about. Expect to see plenty of articles being posted on Silver Bit this month. Before we can jump to all the fun we are going to have this December, it is time to for another round of Bit by Bit. Enjoy.
Game of the Fall
While people were banking hundreds of hours into Destiny, scouring the ravaged lands of Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor or losing their sanity with The Evil Within, I had my face planted into my 3DS or Wii U during short breaks from school and work. With a shorter time to play, I have kept to playing games in half-hour or hour chucks depending on the day. In that time, I alternated between playing Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Bayonetta for Wii U. Out of these two games, I have to give my Game of the Fall to Bayonetta.
Although I bought Bayonetta for PS3 back in 2011, I only played it one time in my three years owning the game. I always wanted to play more of Bayonetta, but never got around to it. In a spark of genius, the original Bayonetta comes packaged with Bayonetta 2. This Wii U version of the game gave me the perfect opportunity to finally beat it. Bayonetta was a wondrous yet surreal experience. Like all games made by Platinum Games, Bayonetta is balls-to-the-wall insane in both story and gameplay, but I would never have it any other way. Bayonetta had me rolling on the floor laughing more than any game has in years, thanks to its over-the-top set pieces and moments. Aside from all the craziness of Bayonetta, it is overly sexual to the point of being uncomfortable at times. While I comprehend it as Platinum's unique way of parodying exploitation films, these sexual tones may turn some people off and its understandable. Another thing that may divide people's opinions on Bayonetta is its difficulty. Even on normal, the game will put you through the ringer. While I can see it frustrating many, I found it incredibly rewarding to master a level or sequence after dying multiple times.
I could go on about Bayonetta for pages, but I don't have the space. Overall, Bayonetta is an incredible action game that deserves your attention if only to watch some of the absolutely insane moments in the game. You get to start a motorcycle with your middle finger and punt a god into the sun. 'Nuff said.
Video of the Fall
Sticking on the Wii U bandwagon (it's like I haven't got off of it all year), there was only one video that rocked my heart and soul. It was Nintendo's 50-Fact Extravaganza for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. While it did take away the element of surprise by revealing every detail about the game, this video made me so excited for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U that couldn't handle the anticipation. If you have the time, take 35 minutes to watch this video to see everything that will make Super Smash Bros. for Wii U one of the greatest games of 2014. Immediately following the video, proceed to run to the nearest game store and buy a Wii U and copy of the game. Spoiler alert: it's that damn good.
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