Compared to previous years, the video game industry seemed much more concerned with the future than the present in 2014. There were a lot of games released over the course of the past twelve months, but not to the extent of being overwhelming like past years. 2014 was suppose to be the coming out party for the next generation of consoles. With an onslaught of delays, re-releases, unfulfilled hype and buggy launches, 2014 felt more like a transitional year for developers to ramp up production for their true next gen titles.
Although there were less games released in 2014, no one person can play through them all. There were quite a few games that I personally wanted to make time for, but never got around to with my constantly busy schedule. Hopefully, a new year will bring plenty of chances to play these missed titles.
The Wolf Among Us
Some may debate the position of The Wolf Among Us on this list due to the first episode releasing late 2013. Considering the majority of the game released during this past calendar year, I believe it is safe to say The Wolf Among Us is a 2014 release. Ever since I saw the preview for it in an issue of Game Informer, The Wolf Among Us has ranked high among the games I want to play especially after experiencing Telltale's exceptional work on The Walking Dead. I almost got the chance to put some time into Wolf Among Us when I purchased the game during the Steam Summer Sale and installed it on my Mac. Funny enough, the fall semester of university came, I got a brand new laptop and completely forgot about The Wolf Among Us. It has been in the back of my mind for months now, but I never made the time. A lot of good things have been said about the game's take on the Fables universe and highly interactive action scenes that I look forward to making time for The Wolf Among Us in the near future.
Child of Light and Valiant Hearts: The Great War
2014 hasn't been the best year for Ubisoft. Most of their major titles, including Assassin's Creed Unity, The Crew and Watch Dogs, suffered from being over hyped, extremely buggy and rushed to market. While these titles hurt the French publisher, there were two downloadable games that brought some much needed good faith Ubisoft's way. I'm speaking of Child of Light and Valiant Hearts. As the first two games to use the incredible UbiArt engine outside of the recent Rayman titles, they both show how flexible the engine is in crafting games of different genres. While the presentation of each game is second-to-none, both feature compelling and creative gameplay to complement the beautiful art. Due to their unique premises and gameplay, both games are deserving of being on anyone's must play lists.
Everybody seems to have an opinion about Bungie's newest title, except me. While I have seen tons of coverage for the game and watched my brothers play it multiple times, I never had the motivation to sit down and play Destiny since the beta. Considering Destiny is such a massive game that one can lose hours in, it doesn't work well with my extremely hectic schedule during the school year. It is no fault of the game; I just prefer playing in smaller chucks during the term. Despite the polarizing opinions people have on Destiny, I really want to play the game for myself to form my own opinion instead of being swayed by the masses. While I am a little afraid of being outclassed by those playing since launch, it will be exciting to see how Destiny has changed since the beta.
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