In recent years, Nintendo has pulled back from the traditional E3 presence. Instead of the tried-and-true press conference and booth combination, Nintendo has opted to provided a constant stream of content from the Nintendo World Championships to the daily Treehouse Live stream. The crown jewel of Nintendo's week is their Digital Event, a special one hour video that highlights their biggest titles for the upcoming year. With the Wii U Legend of Zelda skipping the show, could Nintendo announce some titles to fill that void this holiday season?
Nintendo didn't have one single answer to that question as they went for a sheer numbers approach. Starting with Super Mario Maker, there will be eight titles across Wii U and 3DS, including Star Fox Zero, Xenoblade Chronicles X and Yoshi's Woolly World, releasing this Fall. While there may not be a single title that will move tons 3DS and Wii U units, this is one of the most robust lineups Nintendo has had for the holidays in a long time.
Looking at the Digital Event as a whole, its content was good, but the video was completely underwhelming and disjointed. Nintendo tried so hard to be charming and wacky with the puppet skits, but it came off as embarrassing awkward. Also the announcement of certain games felt out of place.
Although I am not as upset about the Metroid Prime 3DS games as others, the way Nintendo just unceremoniously dumped it on us was a little insulting, especially for longtime fans. Federation Force and Blast Ball are two refreshing new takes on the franchise that I look forward to seeing more of, but these titles shouldn't have been the only Metroid announcement of the show. Plus the huge focus on Super Mario Maker and Mario's 30th Anniversary was a little lackluster considering the Nintendo World Championships did such an incredible job promoting that game. I will admit, revealing that the Mario transitions were actually the Amiibo support for Super Mario Maker was awesome.
While Nintendo's Digital Event felt lackluster as a whole, there were some titles that really impressed me. Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes looks to be the Four Swords sequel/co-op Zelda I've been craving for a long time. The ability to play core Zelda dungeons with others both on and offline is great. The proper return of Mario Tennis with Ultra Smash for Wii U was exciting to see. If Nintendo adds in robust online multiplayer to the game, it could be up there with Mario Kart, Smash Bros. and Splatoon as another great multiplayer game for Wii U. Last but not least, Level 5's Yo-Kai Watch was impressive as it had a great amount of charm and some unique RPG elements that looks to appeal to all ages.
The easiest way to describe Nintendo's Digital Event is a mixed bag. All the games showed off looked to be a lot of fun and it gave perfect picture of Nintendo's holiday lineup, which looks to be their best in a long time. The show just didn't have the cohesion or a big punch to keep fans from felling a little disappointed. Plus where on Earth is Retro Studios!?
Grade: C+
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