Along with Bethesda, Square Enix is one of the new kids on the press conference block. They used to have press conferences at E3, but it has been a long while since their last conference. With Square Enix's big presence at both the Microsoft and Sony press conferences, did they save enough for their very own press conference?
Square Enix did save enough to fill their 90 minute conference, but the great number of titles shown didn't translate into an interesting presentation. In actuality, it was a boring show that saw a lot more gum flapping than gameplay footage. At certain points throughout the conference, I closed my eyes and just listened to the corporate jargon the presenters were throwing around. The show must have been putting the translator to sleep since he had some problems keeping up with the presenters at times.
For all the great titles that Square Enix had to offer this year, it was frustrating to see time wasted rehashing the exact same trailers for Rise of the Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy VII and World of Final Fantasy that were shown at other press conferences or worthless "behind-the-scenes" trailers that could've been replaced by actual gameplay footage. Don't have two random animators from Disney tell us about a Tangled world in Kingdom Hearts III, show it as part of the gameplay trailer.
Speaking of Kingdom Heart III, the gameplay trailer was the best thing on this show. It hinted at the story, showed off the combat system and highlighted some dramatic special moves including the use of Disney theme park attractions as weapons. Aside from Kingdom Hearts III, the Just Cause 3, Hitman and Star Ocean trailers were the only other standouts from this show. Everything else just felt like white noise; even the Deus Ex; Mankind Divided trailer which Square Enix was hyping weeks before the conference.
As their first press conference in God knows when, Square Enix performed far worse than anybody could of predicted with their large lineup of games. At its best, the conference was passable. At its worst, the conference was like an uncoordinated powerpoint presentation. Square Enix may need a phoenix down after this dull show.
Grade: D
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