Like has been the case for three years now, Ubisoft knows how to end a press conference. The gameplay footage and subsequent announcement of Rainbow Six: Siege was the highlight of Ubisoft's conference. Seeing the game in action and all the players working together in unison was a sight to behold. Personally, this writer is still a little sad that the greatness of the single-player focused Rainbow Six: Patriots is no more, but Siege looks fun nonetheless. Aside from Aisha Tyler's flat jokes, nothing at the Ubisoft conference was absolutely horrible. Even the more casual titles like Just Dance 2015 and Shape Up were at least entertaining to watch. While entertaining to watch, the conference felt too safe. Ubisoft is usually one of the few large publishers to try and push the envelope, but everything they showed off at their conference except the new Rainbow Six and Shape Up was already announced or just another entry in a yearly franchise. The content of the conference was interesting yet this writer left the conference feeling underwhelmed. Far Cry 4 started off the show in style as Ubisoft showed off the first five minutes which highlighted the craziness of the new villain. The middle of the show lagged as Ubisoft showed more trailers than actual gameplay. The Assassin's Creed Unity demo was interesting as the traversal system looks to be more fluid than other games in the series despite that many are getting fatigued over Assassin's Creed yearly release schedule. The only other noteworthy game at Ubisoft's conference was Valiant Hearts, an adventure game where you play a dog as he interacts with four heroes during the events of World War I. The trailer showed off the beautiful hand drawn graphics along with the incredibly touching story of the game. With the great use of video and audio, Valiant Hearts' trailer can easily get the waterworks going. Out of all the games Ubisoft showcased at their conference, Valiant Hearts, no matter its small scale, was the game that got this writer the most excited.
Ubisoft's 2014 Press Conference was a middling effort from the French publisher. Much like the other conferences we have seen today, their press conference left this writer wanting more and not in a good way. Giving us updates on titles already announced and announcing new entries in yearly franchise is not enough to get people excited anymore. The video game industry has moved onto a brand new console generation and everybody expects a lot more from Ubisoft this time around to justify the purchase of new hardware to play their future releases.
Grade: C+
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