Welcome to the very first day of E3 2014. Instead of roaming the floors of the LA Convention Center, press conferences will be broadcast to the world from various venues across the city of Los Angeles. Every bit of anticipation and hype has been building for these sixty to ninety presentations. The next steps towards the future of the video game industry begins right here, right now. Following each press conference, yours truly will be sharing his impressions right here on Silver Bit. These impressions will analyze the good, the bad and the ugly of each conference then wrap it up with a final grade. As always, Microsoft kicks off E3 with their press conference.
Right off the bat, this press conference was one of the best conferences Microsoft has ever put on. Much like last year's show, this conference focused solely on games. The only mention of Kinect came in the brief minute Harmonix had where they spoke about Disney Fantasia and Dance Central Spotlight. Another similarity to last year's conference came in the form of Microsoft cramming their ninety minutes with games, games and more games. There was little to no room for anybody to breathe between game demos and trailers unless you count the incredibly awkward developer vignettes. It was not hard to see that Microsoft wanted to hammer home that they listen to the core gamers, but those vignettes felt forced and completely unnecessary. Although the pacing is something Microsoft needs to work on, it is a step in the right which should be a good sign for future press conferences. The conference's strength came from the games shown. Microsoft made a much better effort in highlighting the games coming from first-party studios. While none of them really made this writer excited, games like Crackdown 3, Fable Legends, Phantom Dust, Scalebound, Sunset Overdrive and Halo: Master Chief Collection will get some people interested in buying an Xbox One. Along with all the first-party titles, there were a good number of third-party games showcased at the show. The Microsoft presser saw the reveal trailer for Rise of the Tomb Raider, an impressive demo of Witcher III: Wild Hunt, a fun multiplayer demo of Assassin's Creed Unity and gameplay from both The Division and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Along with all the love for larger games, Microsoft made a little effort to showcase the indie games coming to Xbox One which they focused a lot of time on revealing Playdead's Inside. The strengths came from all the content of the show, but Microsoft failed in one regard. Microsoft did set their holiday lineup for 2014, but sadly it is very lackluster in this writer's honest opinion. There is no real killer app among Forza Horizon 2, Halo: Master Chief Collection and Sunset Overdrive to elicit people to pick up the Xbox One this Christmas. Their message came clear that all the games people will care about will be coming out in 2015 or later except that you can join the beta for every major game this holiday season. Honestly, relying on betas to sell a system is not an effective business plan. Microsoft needs to deliver on the games and soon because people are not going to wait forever.
Overall, the Microsoft E3 2014 Press Conference was really well done. This holiday season may be very barren in regards to Microsoft's offerings, but there are some interesting projects down the pipeline to be excited about. Although Microsoft did make some strides in impressing this year, it did play things far too safe with their reveals and demos than truly showcasing why the Xbox One is greater than the PS4.
Grade: B
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