Now that 2011 has closed its doors and we have entered into 2012, that means we are all on step closer to new game releases and console launches. Each year, the video game industry tries to top itself with bigger blockbusters, cooler surprises and more innovative ideas. So today, I would like to list in no particular order the games and consoles I am really looking forward to get my hands on in 2012.
Mass Effect 3
The Mass Effect series has become one of my favourites among this generation of consoles. BioWare's previous two masterpieces perfectly blended RPG gameplay with the mechanics of a third-person shooter and put together one epic space opera that completely sucked me in. Personally I cannot wait to finish the story of Commander Shepard as he unites the galaxy against the Reaper threat. I am a little bummed that there will be no split-screen co-op as I would rather play the multiplayer with my brothers than buy a month of Xbox Live in order to complete the multiplayer missions, which affect the single-player story. Nonetheless, March 6th cannot come soon enough.
Kid Icarus: Uprising
The one reason that I bought my 3DS is almost here. Just have to wait three months, but that probably won't take long as time flies. Kid Icarus: Uprising's third person in-air and on-ground action looks to be as stellar as the Sin and Punishment games that it is definitely inspired by. The action looks very fast and fluid so to keep you on your feet. The addition of local and online multiplayer should be great. If Nintendo adds the online system they used in Mario Kart 7, Kid Icarus' online multiplayer should be the place to be for all 3DS owners. Even though, I was a little sad that Nintendo held it back until 2012, my thirst to play the new Kid Icarus is as great as it has ever been.
Xenoblade Chronicles
The game that all core Wii owners have been begging Nintendo almost a year will finally arrive this April. I don't know for sure if it will be coming to EB Games/Gamestop in Canada yet, I am still very hopeful. If worse comes to worse, I will order it from Nintendo myself. Xenoblade is a rich RPG for the RPG-starved Wii that has said to be the Final Fantasy of this generation of consoles, which is a huge honour. Considering how hard many gamers worked to get this game to come to North America, I hoping Xenoblade sells well enough to get Nintendo to bring Last Story and Pandora's Tower over and give the Wii one last hooray before the Wii U takes over.
Wii U
Well speaking of the Wii U, Nintendo's first high-definition console is set to release in the summer or fall of this calendar year. If you have been following this blog for a while, you have probably noticed that I am a huge Nintendo fan. I like Sony and Microsoft as well, but Nintendo holds a special place in my heart. So I am really looking forward to Nintendo's new console and all the first and hopefully third party games that will be released for it. From what was showed off at E3 2011, I am impressed with the different ways that the new tablet controller can be used (I really want to play that Shield Pose) and I am looking forward to see some innovative uses for the controller.
Tomb Raider
I was introduced like many others to Lara Croft's new direction through last January's issue of Game Informer. I was impressed then and I was impressed when Crystal Dynamics showed it off at E3. Now I cannot wait to Fall 2012 when Tomb Raider is released for the PS3 and Xbox 360. Much more gritty and dark than any of the other Tomb Raider game. We finally get to see how Lara Croft became the woman that we have been playing as for the past 15 years. It should be an adventure like no other and I cannot wait to play it when it comes out much later in the year.
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