Game of the Week
Game of the Week, Game of the Month and a possible frontrunner for Game of the Year. I am talking about Fire Emblem Awakening for the 3DS. It has been a while since a game has blown we away like Awakening has done. Intelligent Systems has improved their already masterful strategy series to astronomical heights. The excellent pair up system, a support system that adds much more than bonus conversations and a seemingly endless supply of missions to play, teams to fight through SpotPass and StreetPass and bonus challenges and maps to complete. I have played Fire Emblem Awakening for close to 30 hours and I am only halfway through the main story of Awakening. On top of all that, Nintendo is releasing new DLC missions every week for gamers to buy that adds much more value to this incredible game. The more I play Fire Emblem Awakening, the more I love it. It is a masterful game and possibly the best game on the 3DS and the best game in the Fire Emblem series.
Most Anticipated Games of the Week
I have two Most Anticipated Games this week. Both games have out for a while, but this week they will be going on sale. They are F-Zero for the Wii U Virtual Console and Crashmo for 3DS. The former will be on sale for only 30 cents, while the latter will be on sale for 6 dollars. It is a no brainer for someone who has been wanting to buy these game for a while now. I highly recommend also checking out these deals if you own either a 3DS or Wii U.
Video of the Week
The Nintendo dominance continues here in this week's Bit by Bit. This past Thursday, Nintendo gave us the best Valentine's Day present we could of ever asked, a brand new Nintendo Direct. This Nintendo Direct focused on the 3DS games that will be released later this year and it was amazing. Announcing Mario Golf World Tour, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team and Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D was the most newsworthy announcement from the show, but we also got a plethora of information on new eShop games for both 3DS and Wii U and some smaller Wii U announcements. If Nintendo keeps releasing these Nintendo Directs at a regular pace, it could be an excellent year for us Nintendo fans.