Well it is not Wednesday, but I thought I should at least put up a piece of music for you guys to listen to for this week. For the past week, there has been one game sucking up all of the little time I have before and after work. That game is WWE '12, which I got at EB Games for 39 dollars last Sunday (it was on sale). As a huge wrestling fan, I was instantly sucked into the WWE Universe mode. Shaping my own storylines, feuds and match-ups. Upon playing my first match, I noticed one new and awesome edition to the game that instantly caught my ears. For WWE '12, Yuke's have added arena effects to the each wrestler's entrance music. These added effects make you feel like you are actually in the arena watching the wrestling match. It has added a great sense of immersion that previous games have lacked. It is one addition that I hope Yuke's puts in every WWE game from now on.
It was hard to pick just one piece of entrance music from WWE '12 for you all to listen to considering I love a lot of them. When it came down to it, Alex Riley's theme "Say It to My Face" by Downstait is my favourite from the game. The effects added to the song sound great and like I mentioned above make you feel like you are in the crowd watching the match. Wrestling or not, "Say It to My Face" is a great rock song from one consistently good rock band. Considering that is late at night and I cannot for the life of me think of more to talk about today, I will leave you with the song. Hope you enjoy.
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